Thursday, December 29, 2011

Two and a half days left...

I am so happy that my sweet Jovie has a family coming for her, but there are many many other angels on Reece's Rainbow's Angel Tree that still need families.

The purpose of the Angel Tree is to raise at least $1000 in grant money for each of the angels.  Adoption is very expensive and grant money truly helps these children to be chosen by families that possibly wouldn't otherwise be able to adopt.  As of this writing there are 51 children still under the $1000 goal who also don't have families committed to them.  There are 115 children who are at or above $1000 and another 19 kiddos whose families have found them!!!   Let's help those 51 babies reach their goals and not be left behind.  Can you donate $1 or $5?  Every little bit helps!

There are several giveaways going on to help these last kiddos reach their goals in the next couple of days.  Here are some links if you are interested.

All Angels to $1000 Fundraiser

Camera Giveaway

Quilt Giveaway

Another list (one that will be updated if things are added).

Please help if you are able to!  Every dollar counts!  Can you give up a Coke to give a child a chance?

Thank you!

Friday, December 16, 2011

It's Video Time on $5 Friday!

It's $5 Friday!  
Please consider donating to one of these angels. 
You can give to Jovie's grant fund by clicking on her donate button to the right, or you can see the whole Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree if you click the Angel Tree button below Jovie's donation box.

Make a video - it's fun, easy and free!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Two precious girls

Today on my "regular" blog I wrote about "tying my hammock strings to Jesus."  In other words, totally trusting Jesus with my life and holding nothing back. 

Many aspect of orphan care involve this kind of trust.  Obviously adoption can feel like a leap off a cliff, but sacrificial giving involves much trust, and even advocating for orphans can expose a person to ridicule and persecution (a strong word, but you would not believe the flack some people receive when they advocate...I have been very fortunate in that regard).

Today I want to tell you about some orphans who need advocacy and money in their grant funds, but most of all they need a loving family to bring them home.  Please prayerfully consider if you should do any of the above.

The first orphan I will tell you about it a sweet girl who has really captured my heart.  She has captured it so much that I have given to her grant fund, posted about her on my birthday, dreamed about her, and have even seriously prayed about bringing her home myself.  However, I have come to realize that we are not the family God has for her.  Her family is out there somewhere (it would be cool if they were within driving distance so I could meet her in person). This sweet girl is Suzanne.   Isn't she adorable?

In this picture she looks cute and well-cared for, but Suzanne has been transferred to an institution.  Just typing those words conjures up horrible images.  There is a giveaway on this blog for people who donate to Suzanne.  You can help this sweet girl and have a chance to win an iPad or a Kitchen Aid food processor.

The second girl I am going to tell you about hasn't been blessed with a cute picture, but she isn't any less precious to Jesus.

Arina P. needs a family and money in her grant fund can help her find that family.  Julia, whose son Aaron was in an institution (and whose blog I linked to about institutions above), is advocating for and hosting a giveaway for the passed over children.  Children who have been listed on the Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree for years without finding a family.  Several of these children are plagued with bad pictures.  What if your future depended on one snapshot? 

Do you trust God?  Can you trust Him enough to provide for your needs as you give?   Can you trust Him to take the leap of faith it takes to bring one of these girls home? 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Better late than never...

I almost forgot to do a $5 Friday for Jovie today! Whoops!

It has been good to see this sweet girls grant grow a little bit this week, but it would be wonderful to see it grow lots more before Christmas!

Please consider giving $5 this week, and if you can give $35 you will get a Reece's Rainbow ornament with Jovie's name on it to decorate your tree.

Thank you!

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Why do I do this?  Why help orphans...specifically orphans with Down syndrome and other special needs?  Many people have answered this question in depth and more eloquently than I will, but for me the answer boils down to one word:  LOVE.

And not just any love.  Not love that I have conjured up on my own.  Not love that I have because I have seen lots of pictures of cute kids.  Not love that I have because these kids deserve a home and family.  Not love that is based on anything they have done or anything I have done.  Love that is based on what Jesus has done.  Love that I can give because it is love I have received.

  We love because he first loved us.   1 John 4:19  (NIV)

Jesus loves me.  He loves me so much that He gave His life for me.  He DIED for me.  He died that I might I could be adopted into His family.  He loves me so much.  The more I read about His love, the more I love others and the more I want to do to show them that love.  He loved me first so now I can love these precious kiddos.

THAT is why I do this. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Every dollar counts

It's $5 Friday!

Let's see if Jovie's grant can jump up a bit today. I really wish I could post pictures of this sweet girl, but her country doesn't allow it.  I think that the no picture restriction puts children in her country at a disadvantage for finding families and receiving donations. Believe me, these kiddos are just as cute as kiddos from the countries that allow pictures!  And of course every child is created in the image of God and loved by Jesus!

If you can't donate $5, maybe you can do $2 or $1. Every dollar really does count!  If you can donate $35, Reece's Rainbow will send you an ornament to hang on your tree.

Please help me help Jovie!

Thank you!