Thursday, December 29, 2011

Two and a half days left...

I am so happy that my sweet Jovie has a family coming for her, but there are many many other angels on Reece's Rainbow's Angel Tree that still need families.

The purpose of the Angel Tree is to raise at least $1000 in grant money for each of the angels.  Adoption is very expensive and grant money truly helps these children to be chosen by families that possibly wouldn't otherwise be able to adopt.  As of this writing there are 51 children still under the $1000 goal who also don't have families committed to them.  There are 115 children who are at or above $1000 and another 19 kiddos whose families have found them!!!   Let's help those 51 babies reach their goals and not be left behind.  Can you donate $1 or $5?  Every little bit helps!

There are several giveaways going on to help these last kiddos reach their goals in the next couple of days.  Here are some links if you are interested.

All Angels to $1000 Fundraiser

Camera Giveaway

Quilt Giveaway

Another list (one that will be updated if things are added).

Please help if you are able to!  Every dollar counts!  Can you give up a Coke to give a child a chance?

Thank you!

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